Mt. Diablo Vista
Digital Single
Released independently
May 7, 2021
Using images of Bay Area landscapes as a visual score, the Bury Your Head In The Earth series uses bass heavy cello feedback to create sonic landscapes that reflect their physical counterpoint. It unites the encompassing power of feedback tones with the influence of iconic geography of this area to merge physical, sonic, and psychological vistas into one.
It’s about the coolness of the earth. Bodily drones. The smell of dirt and forest. Solace. A sense of time very different from that of human perception and significance.
“Mt. Diablo Vista” marks the release of this new series. The track combines three readings of the scene of varying lengths into one unified piece, creating transgressions of time, place, and point of view.
Released May 7, 2021
Composed and produced by Shanna Sordahl at JLR in Oakland, CA, traditional land of the Ohlone Peoples
Instrumentation includes cello feedback, a few pedals, and a mixer